
Import 3Commas Data to Google Sheets

In this guide, we’ll walk through how to pull crypto trading bot data from the 3Commas API directly into Google Sheets, using the API Connector add-on for Sheets.

We'll first get an API key and secret from 3Commas, and then set up a request to pull in data to your spreadsheet.


Before You Begin

Click here to install the API Connector add-on from the Google Marketplace.

Part 1: Get Your 3Commas API Credentials

  1. While logged into 3Commas, click API from the account menu, or navigate to directly.
  2. Click +New API access token. You'll be prompted to enable 2FA if you haven't already.
  3. Select the permissions you'd like your token to have access to and click Create
  4. You'll be presented with your API key and secret. Copy these down and keep them safe, we'll use them shortly.

Part 2: Pull Data from 3Commas into Sheets

For this example we'll fetch trading bot data using 3Commas's signed endpoints. This requires including a header that applies a HMAC SHA256 operation to the endpoint, so we've created a supplemental script to assist with this.

  1. Click here to create a copy of the 3Commas signature calculator sheet.
  2. In the sheet copy, fill out 3 inputs for request endpoint, your API key, and your API secret. When you do this, your signature will be automatically calculated and displayed in cell F10.
  3. Open the API Connector sidebar and click Create request. Fill out the request form as follows. The +++ syntax is used to reference values from cells in your sheet.
    • ApplicationCustom
    • MethodGET
    • Request URL!F4+++
    • OAuthNone
    • Headers:
      • Signature:  +++3Commas256!F10+++
      • Apikey: +++3Commas256!F5+++
  4. Save and run the request:

Part 3: API Documentation

Official API documentation:

2 thoughts on “Import 3Commas Data to Google Sheets”

    • Hi there - this response is coming from the 3Commas API, not Mixed Analytics, but I'm happy to help you investigate if you share more info about your request (e.g. what is the URL you are calling)?


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