
Import Zillow Data to Google Sheets (RapidAPI)

In this guide, we will walk through how to pull data from Zillow to Google Sheets, using an unofficial Zillow API from RapidAPI and the API Connector add-on for Sheets.

Note that this unofficial Zillow API is a service that scrapes public data out of Zillow and hosts it on RapidAPI's marketplace. While you can use the official Zillow API instead, receiving access to public records and Zestimate data requires applying for access through the Bridge platform, which isn't a very straightforward process. Therefore, we'll stick with the unofficial API for this tutorial.


Before You Begin

Click here to install the API Connector add-on from the Google Marketplace.

Part 1: Subscribe to the Zillow API

  1. Create an account at RapidAPI and log in. While logged in, navigate to the Zillow API located at
  2. Click Subscribe to Test
  3. You will now see a list of pricing plans. Click Subscribe on plan for which you'd like to subscribe. The free plan offers 30 free requests a month.
  4. Whichever plan you choose (even the free one), you'll need to enter your credit card details at this point, and can then return to the list of endpoints.

Part 2: Create Your API Request

  1. Return to the documentation, where available endpoints are listed in the lefthand sidebar. Select an endpoint, e.g. Search for properties
  2. In the center section, scroll down and fill out any parameters of interest. For this endpoint, you will need to include a location, while other parameters are optional.
  3. Now click the Code Snippets tab, and choose (Shell) cURL from the dropdown. Click Copy Code to grab the entire curl snippet; we'll use that next.

Part 3: Pull Zillow API Data into Sheets

We can now enter this cURL snippet into API Connector using API Connector's cURL import tool.

  1. Open up Google Sheets and click Extensions > API Connector > Import/Export > Import cURL
  2. Paste in the cURL snippet we retrieved above. Click Import.
  3. You'll see the entire request automatically imported and pre-configured in the sidebar.
  4. Create a new tab and click Set current to use that tab as your data destination.
  5. Name your request and click Run. A moment later you’ll see the response from the unofficial Zillow API appear in your sheet.

Part 4: API Documentation

Zillow API documentation:

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