API Connector Documentation
Import Impact Data to Google Sheets
In this guide, we’ll walk through how to import Impact affiliate data directly into Google Sheets, using the API Connector add-on for Sheets.
- Before You Begin
- Part 1: Get Your Impact API Credentials
- Part 2: Pull Impact Data into Sheets
- Part 3: API Documentation
Before You Begin
Click here to install the API Connector add-on from the Google Marketplace.
Part 1: Get Your Impact API Credentials
- Log into Impact
- Now navigate to Technical Settings > API Access (or follow this link: https://app.impact.com/secure/mediapartner/accountSettings/mp-wsapi-flow.ihtml)
- You'll be presented with an Account SID and Auth Token. Copy these down.
- One last step: Because the Impact API requires Basic Authentication, we need to encode our authentication info to base 64. You can do this by entering your your credentials in the format
into this form (i.e. your account SID, then a colon, and then your auth token).
The encoding script runs in your browser, and none of your credentials are seen or stored by this site.
Part 2: Pull Impact API Data into Sheets
You can create a request using any of the endpoints and parameters described in Impact's API documentation. For this example we'll get a list of available reports. Substitute in your own account SID where it says your_account_SID
, and your encoded credentials from above where it says your_encoded_credentials
- Application:
- Method:
- Request URL:
- Headers

Note the value returned in the Reports.Report.ApiRunUri column, as this is the API URL path used to run each report. For example, if the value reads /Advertisers/I11111111111111/Reports/adv_db_new_mps_groups
, pre-pend https://api.impact.com
such that the full API request URL is https://api.impact.com//Advertisers/I11111111111111/Reports/adv_db_new_mps_groups

Part 3: API Documentation
Official documentation: https://integrations.impact.com/impact-brand/reference/how-to-structure-requests