
Import Impact Data to Google Sheets

In this guide, we’ll walk through how to import Impact affiliate data directly into Google Sheets, using the API Connector add-on for Sheets.


Before You Begin

Click here to install the API Connector add-on from the Google Marketplace.

Part 1: Get Your Impact API Credentials

  1. Log into Impact
  2. Now navigate to Technical Settings > API Access (or follow this link:
  3. You'll be presented with an Account SID and Auth Token. Copy these down.
  4. One last step: Because the Impact API requires Basic Authentication, we need to encode our authentication info to base 64. You can do this by entering your your credentials in the format account_sid:auth_token into this form (i.e. your account SID, then a colon, and then your auth token).

    The encoding script runs in your browser, and none of your credentials are seen or stored by this site.


Part 2: Pull Impact API Data into Sheets

You can create a request using any of the endpoints and parameters described in Impact's API documentation. For this example we'll get a list of available reports. Substitute in your own account SID where it says your_account_SID, and your encoded credentials from above where it says your_encoded_credentials.

  • Application: Custom
  • Method: GET
  • Request URL:
  • Headers
    • Authorization: Basic your_encoded_credentials

Note the value returned in the Reports.Report.ApiRunUri column, as this is the API URL path used to run each report. For example, if the value reads /Advertisers/I11111111111111/Reports/adv_db_new_mps_groups, pre-pend such that the full API request URL is

Part 3: API Documentation

Official documentation:

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