
Free Crypto APIs for Google Sheets

There are a huge number of crypto APIs, and virtually all of them offer public crypto data for free through their public endpoints.

This article lists the top crypto APIs accessed by users of the API Connector extension for Sheets, along with the type of authentication they require. For Open APIs (those with no authorization requirements) a sample URL is provided so you can click the URL and see the results in your browser.

This list refers to publicly available data. Private data, e.g. your own transaction history, always requires authentication.

List of Crypto Market Data APIs

1CoinAPIExcellent and well-organized source of crypto market dataAPI Key
2CoinBaseSmall but simple dataset focused on currencies, prices, and exchange ratesOpen
3CoinCapReal time cryptocurrency pricesOpen
4CoinDeskBitcoin price indexOpen
5CoinGeckoComprehensive, well-organized cryptocurrency market data. (Use their free API or get 20% off any API plan with the offer code 'MIXEDANALYTICS20'. Apply code at checkout after signing up on Key
6CoinLoreCryptocurrency market data, including free exchange data not provided by most other APIsOpen
7CoinMapCrypto ATMsOpen
8CoinMarketCapComprehensive crypto API providing price/market data, exchange data, and token metadataAPI Key
9CoinPaprikaFrequently updated market data: coin prices, volumes, market caps, ATHs, return rates and moreOpen
10CoinStatsCryptocurrency market dataOpen
11CryptoCompareVery good API with interesting data points like trading signals and social data alongside standard market dataAPI Key
12DEX ScreenerBlockchain screenerOpen
13ExchangerateCurrency exchange & crypto ratesOpen
14GeminiCryptocurrency market dataOpen
15KrakenOHLC data, order books, recent tradesOpen
16KuCoinTicker, order book, historical dataOpen
17NexchangeCryptocurrency market dataOpen
18OKXCryptocurrency market dataOpen
19OpenSeaNFTsAPI Key
20WazirXIndia-focused crypto API with tickers, order books, and trade lookupsOpen

21 thoughts on “Free Crypto APIs for Google Sheets”

  1. is a professional cryptocurrency information service platform that provides cryptocurrency quotes, data, and information.
    Available data for the currency market is the latest price, best bid / ask price,24h high/low, volume 24h, price change, currency price, order book, exchange announcement, News, articles, transaction count, address count, the exchange rate of more than 100 fiat currencies.
    Auth type is API key

  2. Hi !, Where can I looking for the meaning of each item ['symbol', 'priceChange', 'priceChangePercent', 'weightedAvgPrice', 'prevClosePrice', 'lastPrice', 'lastQty', 'bidPrice', 'bidQty', 'askPrice', 'askQty', 'openPrice', 'highPrice', 'lowPrice', 'volume', 'quoteVolume', 'openTime', 'closeTime', 'firstId', 'lastId', 'count']


    • That sounds like the list of metrics sent back by Binance's ticker endpoint, is that right? If so, I don't think they really define them in their documentation but they're pretty standard metrics so you can Google them for more info. Or, here's a quick list of definitions if it helps:
      symbol: the trading pair, e.g. "BTCUSDT"
      priceChange: 24-hour price change
      priceChangePercent: 24-hour price change percentage
      weightedAvgPrice: weighted average price
      lastPrice: last transaction price
      lastQty: The last transaction amount
      openPrice: The price of the first transaction within 24 hours
      highPrice:24-hour highest price
      lowPrice: 24-hour lowest price
      volume: 24-hour trading volume
      quoteVolume: 24-hour turnover
      openTime: The time when the first transaction occurred within 24 hours
      closeTime:The time when the last transaction occurred within 24 hours
      firstId:first transaction id
      lastId:last transaction id
      count:number of transactions

  3. Hi, is there a way to switch out the request from the one with coingecko, so I can get an array of values? Tried the coinbase one but its only 1 coin at a time

    • Coinbase is one of the simplest APIs, pretty much any other crypto API will let you fetch data for more than one coin at a time. I like CoinMarketCap, or CoinPaprika is great too if you don’t want to get a key.

  4. Hi Ana
    My name is Wanit, a MSc student at Anglia Ruskin University. I need a csv or json of all coins and their daily or weekly historical data strictly for research.
    Where/how do you think I can get this?

    • I can't say for sure it doesn't exist, but I've never seen anything like that. From what I've seen, APIs only provide historical data for one coin or one date at a time, it would be a huge data set (too big for Sheets anyway) if it contained both daily/weekly historical data and all ~20K coins at once. For example, you could use CoinMarketCap's (paid) /ListingsHistorical endpoint and make the following API call: to return the price of 5000 coins on 2013-12-31. Or you could get historical data for one coin at a time (as a csv download) from

      • You could just run a full node for a bit as all the history of the block chain is, well, by design, on the blockchain. Look at Google Cloud Platform. They have a ready build Binance server VM you can spin up.

  5. Hi Ana,
    I've been searching for a way to get crypto price at a specific time of sale for each of my buy and sell transactions. I have a sheet that contains all transactions including the date/time of the transaction, the token symbol, and the amount of transaction and I would like to add a new column that indicates the price of the crypto token at that date/time. Would you please advise to a good API for this purpose and advise how to set it up in API Connector? Ideally it would be a function that reads the time (e.g. UTC), token (e.g BTC), and currency (e.g. USD) columns in the same row of the spreadsheet. My preference is to use data that is accurate down to the minute instead of a daily average if possible. It is ok if I have to pay a reasonable fee for an API key to get this information. Thank you!


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