
Multi-Login Issue

Google doesn't support multi-login (logging into multiple accounts at the same time) for extensions. If you run API Connector while logged into multiple Google accounts simultaneously, accounts other than the primary account will likely see a persistent loading screen like this:


To resolve, log out of all your Google accounts and then log back in first with the account you're using with Sheets + API Connector. Alternatively, log in through a new profile or incognito window.

For more information, see here:

You can also star this issue in Google's bug tracker, if you'd like to receive notifications of any updates:

7 thoughts on “Multi-Login Issue”

  1. So logging out of all my account across all browsers to use google sheets it pretty annoying, especially when Google demands ridiculous immemorable passwords to generate an excuse to save personal details. If I log out I'd probably have to reset passwords, for me, my husband and kids using the computer. The two factor is usually connected to some random device no one has so every log out is potential for losing EVERYTHING. AND if I can get to the reset passwords Google will demand that it be even less memorable than the last one because you can't use one similar to the last one

    • Generally you shouldn't have to reset passwords due to logging out, since by default Google Chrome saves all the Google passwords in its password manager, but if you don't want to log out you can use an incognito window or a profile for that account (I find it pretty convenient to have different profiles for each account anyway.)
      With that said, if you'd like to draw attention to this issue, please comment on or star this item in Google's bug tracker (e.g. here, here,here).

      • Yeah, when hackers accessed the 'saved passwords' last year and had a merry old time with my families accounts I opted out of your saved password scheme. I'd like to have money this xmas.

  2. I have tried both the logging out and incognito mode methods, getting the same error no matter what. Might be connected to the fact that I have both a workspace and personal google account linked to my work email address, but not sure. Any suggestions?


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