
Frequently Asked Questions

For billing-related FAQs, please see the pricing page.

What is the purpose of this add-on?

Thousands of finance, marketing, analytics, and other platforms provide their data through APIs. You can see one listing of these APIs here.

This API Connector add-on has an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that lets you pull data from these APIs directly into your Google Sheets worksheet, without needing a data warehouse or a line of code. You can report on and analyze the data directly in Google Sheets, or connect it to Data Studio to create data visualizations and dashboards.

Can I run triggers more than once an hour?

Sorry, scheduled triggers can't run more than once an hour. This limit is set by Google and applies to all Google Workspace add-ons that use Google's trigger functionality.

If you need faster data updates, you can consider using API Connector's custom IMPORTAPI function to force more frequent refreshes.

Do I need coding skills to use API Connector?

No, you don't need any code to use API Connector, though you may need to read some documentation to determine your API URL and API key (usually available in the developer section of your platform).

API Connector was designed specifically with spreadsheet users in mind, so you can achieve dynamic, code-like capabilities by setting triggers and referencing cells in your requests.

How many records can API Connector fetch?

API Connector's free plan is limited to 1000 rows per request. The paid plans do not limit the number of rows that can be fetched.

There are also a few other limits to be aware of:

  • Many APIs limit the number of records that can be returned per page (i.e. "pagination"). In those cases, you can fetch multiple pages of data through automated pagination handling.
  • Google Sheets has a limit of 10 million cells per sheet (info).
  • Requests can run for only 6 minutes before timing out (info).

How can I run requests?

To run requests in API Connector, click the Run button from the dropdown Action menu or at the bottom of the Create request screen.

If you would like to run requests without opening the sidebar, there are a few methods to do so:

  1. In Sheets, click Extensions > API Connector > Refresh All Now to run all requests in the sheet at once
  2. Set up scheduling to run requests in the background while the sheet is closed
  3. Use the IMPORTAPI custom function to trigger requests through your sheet

How are requests counted?

Each successful API call counts as one request, regardless of the number of rows or records returned in the API response. Paginated and multi-query requests make an API call for each loop, so if you request 2 pages or 2 different URLs, that counts as two separate requests. IMPORTAPI and failed requests do not count towards the monthly limit.

Each plan's monthly request count and limit is shown on the Usage tab of the Account screen. Monthly request counts reset on the 1st of the month (UTC time), and when a user's plan changes. If the user's request count exceeds their plan limit, no further requests can be run until the new month begins.

How are saved requests counted?

Saved requests are counted per Google Sheets document. If you have a saved request limit of 15, you can save 15 requests in the sidebar of that Sheet. To save additional requests, you will need to open a new Google Sheets document, or delete saved requests until you are back under the limit for your subscription plan.

How does API Connector compare to Zapier?

Zapier connects different platforms to each other. One of these platforms is Google Sheets, so there is some overlapping functionality with API Connector. However, data created before your Zap was turned on won't be imported, Zapier limits you to certain pre-selected metrics, and Zapier only works with platforms that have a built-in integration.

Essentially Zapier is a great choice if you need if-this, then-that functionality for common metrics and platforms, without historical data. Consider API Connector if you want to a) connect to platforms that don't have existing integrations, and b) get access to the full set of API data.

How does API Connector compare to Supermetrics, Coupler, and other connectors?

Tools like Supermetrics and Coupler pull data from different platforms into Google Sheets and other data destinations. They provide access to many of the most popular applications, particularly those focused on marketing and advertising data, and process data behind the scenes so you don't need to interact with APIs directly. However, they are much more limited in their abilities to connect to services and data points outside of their pre-integrated sources, and are not designed to show you the raw API responses from each application.

If you are looking for a relatively simple interface and primarily need access to big popular marketing platforms (e.g. Facebook and Google Ads), extensions like Supermetrics, Coupler, and Coefficient are all highly recommended. However, if you are a developer or technical analyst who doesn't mind a little data wrangling, and wants complete access to raw data from 20,000+ APIs, including niche and custom data sources, you will appreciate the flexibility of API Connector.

Does API Connector work with platform 'X'?

This add-on supports any API that uses an API key or token for authentication, and that returns data in any of the three main data formats (JSON, XML, and CSV). It also supports API access via OAuth 2.0. This enables access to virtually all modern REST-style APIs, but you will likely encounter issues fetching data from older SOAP-based APIs (e.g. Microsoft Ads), APIs using old standards like OAuth 1.0 (e.g. Twitter Ads), APIs that require HMAC signatures, or APIs that have their own custom authentication requirements.

Please check your platform's documentation and run your request in API Connector to confirm that it works for you.  You can also consult the list of integrations for detailed guides on getting started with many popular APIs, or shoot us a message if you'd like us to take a look for you.

At this time, the following APIs are known to be incompatible with API Connector: Apple App Store Connect, Bing/Microsoft Ads, Twitter Ads

Does API Connector work with Google Sheets for mobile?

The mobile version of Google Sheets supports extensions for Android, but not iOS. Please see here for updates and info:

Does API Connector support OAuth 2.0?

Yes, API Connector has pre-integrated OAuth2 connections for numerous platforms. You can also add your own custom OAuth2 connections. Please see this article for details.

Does API Connector support GraphQL?

Yes, you can use API Connector with GraphQL APIs by entering your GraphQL query into either the "query" parameter or the POST body. The following examples demonstrate these different methods of using API Connector with GraphQL APIs:

Does API Connector support JSON-RPC 2.0?

Yes, you can enter a JSON-RPC query by selecting POST method and entering a POST body in the following format (the specifics will depend on the API, but the basic structure should be as follows):

{  "jsonrpc": "2.0",  "method": "getLead",   "id": "1"}

Does API Connector support connecting to FTP servers?

It does not. API Connector can only connect to to APIs, and doesn't support transferring data via FTP.

Are API Connector requests secure?

Yes. API Connector's infrastructure runs entirely through Google Cloud, which complies with numerous security standards (info).

API Connector does not view or store API credentials or any of the data that gets retrieved. Requests and triggers are saved directly into each sheet with Google's Properties service. Logs are provided by Google Cloud Logging and contain limited, temporary metadata (e.g. timestamps, hostnames, and error messages) to help with debugging. Aggregated, anonymous usage tracking is provided through Google Analytics.

In addition, API Connector has been through Google's verification process to prove that the extension isn't malicious and doesn't access or share sensitive information.

API Connector's complete privacy policy can be viewed here:

Is there an affiliate program?

Yes, please see this link to join the API Connector affiliate program.

10 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions”

  1. Hi,
    I am not able to find how to run api connector from google sheets mobile app (android).
    Is the support available?

    • I don't have an Android to test this myself, but based on Google's docs you should be able to install/ manage / use extensions by clicking More > Add-ons from the mobile Sheets app, can you please check what you see there?

  2. Hi,
    I am trying to connect this API through to a SOAP API within Visual Soft, and I can't work out for the life of me how to configure it, all I get when I run it is the html coding for the design of the webpage, rather than the stock, which is what I'm looking for.

    • Hey Jesse, sorry, API Connector currently doesn't support SOAP APIs. We'll be adding support in the future but for now you won't be able to connect through API Connector.

  3. Hi Ana,
    Is there any plan to add Bing/Microsoft Ads. As of now I am unable to use this and there are other connector having it. Is there a way to use through custom solution to pull Bing data?


    • We plan to add a preset integration at some point, but not in the near future. I think you could potentially create your own custom connection, but it would require a high degree of familiarity with APIs due to the complex/non-standard nature of their API, so I wouldn't really suggest it. If you need access to Bing/Microsoft Ads, it's best to use a different connector for now. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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