1 | API Directories | APIs.guru | OpenAPI API directory | https://api.apis.guru/v2/list.json |
2 | Art & Images | Art Institute of Chicago | Artwork from the museum | https://api.artic.edu/api/v1/artworks/search?q=cats |
3 | Art & Images | COLOURlovers | Color trends | https://www.colourlovers.com/api/colors/new?format=json |
4 | Art & Images | DiceBear | Generate random SVG avatars | https://api.dicebear.com/6.x/pixel-art/svg |
5 | Art & Images | Dogs | Random dog images | https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random |
6 | Art & Images | HTTP Cats | Cat images for HTTP status codes | https://http.cat/401 |
7 | Art & Images | Lorem Picsum | Placeholder images | https://picsum.photos/200/300 |
8 | Art & Images | Metropolitan Museum of Art | Artwork from the museum | https://collectionapi.metmuseum.org/public/collection/v1/objects/100 |
9 | Art & Images | PHP-Noise | Noise background image generator | https://php-noise.com/noise.php?hex=FFFFFF&json |
10 | Art & Images | Placebear | Pictures of bears for use as placeholders | https://placebear.com/200/300 |
11 | Art & Images | Random Dog | Random dog images | https://random.dog/woof.json |
12 | Art & Images | RandomFox | Random pictures of foxes | https://randomfox.ca/floof/ |
13 | Art & Images | ReSmush | Image compression and optimization | http://api.resmush.it/ws.php?img=http://www.resmush.it/assets/images/jpg_example_original.jpg&qlty=95 |
14 | Art & Images | RoboHash | Generate unique images from text | https://robohash.org/onerobot.png |
15 | Art & Images | Vadivelu Status Codes | HTTP Codes with images | https://vadivelu.anoram.com/gif/200 |
16 | Calendar | Nager.Date | Public holidays | https://date.nager.at/api/v2/publicholidays/2020/US |
17 | Calendar | UK Bank Holidays | UK bank holidays | https://www.gov.uk/bank-holidays.json |
18 | Content | 4chan | 4chan's read-only API | https://a.4cdn.org/boards.json |
19 | Content | Anime News Network | Anime/manga encyclopedia | https://cdn.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/api.xml?title=4658 |
20 | Content | Ceska Televize | Czech television program data | https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/services-old/programme/xml/schedule.php?user=test&date=30.01.2024&channel=ct24 |
21 | Content | Chronicling America | Historic US newspapers | https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/newspapers.json |
22 | Content | Crossref | Scholarly metadata | https://api.crossref.org/journals?query=pharmacy+health |
23 | Content | Final Space | Television show Final Space | https://finalspaceapi.com/api/v0/episode/ |
24 | Content | HackerNews | Hacker News API | https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/8863.json |
25 | Content | Ice and Fire | Quantified and structured data from the universe of Ice and Fire | https://anapioficeandfire.com/api/characters/581 |
26 | Content | Jikan | Unofficial MyAnimeList API | https://api.jikan.moe/v4/anime?q=naruto |
27 | Content | Listly | Top 10 lists | https://list.ly/api/v4/meta?url=http://google.com |
28 | Content | MCU-Countdown | When is the next MCU film? | https://www.whenisthenextmcufilm.com/api |
29 | Content | Mediawiki | Wikipedia page content and revisions | https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=Pet_door&rvprop=content&format=json |
30 | Content | Open Library | Books and book-related data | https://openlibrary.org/search.json?q=the+lord+of+the+rings |
31 | Content | Reddit | Public content from Reddit | https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbets/top.json?limit=10&t=year |
32 | Content | Reddit Stocks | Top stocks from Wallstreetbets | https://tradestie.com/api/v1/apps/reddit |
33 | Content | Rick and Morty | Rick and Morty characters | https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/108 |
34 | Content | STAPI | Star Trek information | https://stapi.co/api/v2/rest/spacecraft/search |
35 | Content | SWAPI | Star Wars information | https://swapi.dev/api/planets/3/?format=json |
36 | Content | The Rosary | Rosary prayers | https://the-rosary-api.vercel.app/v1/today |
37 | Content | TVMaze | TV show information | http://api.tvmaze.com/search/shows?q=golden girls |
38 | Content | Wolne Lektury | Search ebooks from wolnelektury.pl | https://wolnelektury.pl/api/authors/edgar-allan-poe/ |
39 | Content | WordPress | Posts from any public WordPress site | https://techcrunch.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?per_page=100&context=embed |
40 | Crypto & Finance | Binance | 24 hr crypto data | https://api4.binance.com/api/v3/ticker/24hr |
41 | Crypto & Finance | CoinBase | Currency codes and names | https://api.coinbase.com/v2/currencies |
42 | Crypto & Finance | CoinCap | Real time cryptocurrency prices | https://api.coincap.io/v2/assets |
43 | Crypto & Finance | CoinDesk | Bitcoin price index | https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice.json |
44 | Crypto & Finance | CoinGecko | Cryptocurrency market data | https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/coins/markets?vs_currency=usd |
45 | Crypto & Finance | CoinLore | Cryptocurrency market data | https://api.coinlore.net/api/tickers/ |
46 | Crypto & Finance | CoinMap | Crypto ATMs | https://coinmap.org/api/v1/venues/ |
47 | Crypto & Finance | Coinpaprika | Cryptocurrency data | https://api.coinpaprika.com/v1/coins/btc-bitcoin |
48 | Crypto & Finance | Currency Rates | Currency exchange rates | https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fawazahmed0/currency-api@latest/v1/currencies.json |
49 | Crypto & Finance | DEX Screener | Blockchain screener | https://api.dexscreener.com/latest/dex/search?q=WBNB%20USDC |
50 | Crypto & Finance | ExchangeRate-API | Exchange rates | https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/USD |
51 | Crypto & Finance | GeckoTerminal | Crypto data | https://api.geckoterminal.com/api/v2/networks |
52 | Crypto & Finance | Gemini | Cryptocurrency market data | https://api.gemini.com/v2/ticker/btcusd |
53 | Crypto & Finance | Kraken | Crypto data | https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Trades?pair=ltcusd |
54 | Crypto & Finance | KuCoin | Crypto data | https://api.kucoin.com/api/v1/market/stats?symbol=BTC-USDT |
55 | Crypto & Finance | NBP Web | Currency exchange rates and gold prices | http://api.nbp.pl/api/cenyzlota/last/30/?format=json |
56 | Crypto & Finance | Nexchange | Cryptocurrency market data | https://api.n.exchange/en/api/v1/pair/ |
57 | Crypto & Finance | OKX | Cryptocurrency market data | https://www.okx.com/api/v5/market/tickers?instType=SPOT |
58 | Crypto & Finance | Razorpay IFSC | Indian Financial Systems Codes | https://ifsc.razorpay.com/YESB0DNB002 |
59 | Crypto & Finance | WazirX | Crypto data | https://api.wazirx.com/sapi/v1/tickers/24hr |
60 | Developer Tools | Agify | Predict age based on a name | https://api.agify.io?name=bella |
61 | Developer Tools | APIC Agent | Detect browser, OS, and device from user agent | https://api.apicagent.com/?ua=Mozilla/5.0%20(Macintosh;%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010_15_5)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/89.0.4389.114%20Safari/537.36 |
62 | Developer Tools | Arul's Public APIs | Get IP address | https://api.aruljohn.com/ip/json |
63 | Developer Tools | Cloudflare Trace | Get IP address, user agent, etc | |
64 | Developer Tools | Digital Ocean Status | DigitalOcean status | https://status.digitalocean.com/api/v2/summary.json |
65 | Developer Tools | FilterLists | Lists of filters used by ad blockers | http://filterlists.com/api/directory/lists |
66 | Developer Tools | Genderize.io | Predict gender based on a name | https://api.genderize.io?name=scott |
67 | Developer Tools | Google Favicons | Google's unofficial favicon fetcher | https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=quora.com&sz=32 |
68 | Developer Tools | goQR | Create and read QR codes | http://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=https://mixedanalytics.com&size=100x100 |
69 | Developer Tools | HTTPBin | Inspect user agent and headers | http://httpbin.org/get |
70 | Developer Tools | Image-Charts | Chart images | https://image-charts.com/chart?cht=p3&chs=700x100&chd=t:60,40&chl=Hello|World&chan&chf=ps0-0,lg,45,ffeb3b,0.2,f44336,1|ps0-1,lg,45,8bc34a,0.2,009688,1 |
71 | Developer Tools | IP2Location | Get public IP address | https://api.ip2location.io/ |
72 | Developer Tools | IPify | Get public IP address | https://api.ipify.org?format=json |
73 | Developer Tools | is.gd | URL shortener | https://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url=www.example.com |
74 | Developer Tools | Microlink | Retrieve metadata and screenshots from any URL | https://api.microlink.io/?url=https://github.com/microlinkhq |
75 | Developer Tools | Nationalize.io | Predict nationality based on a name | https://api.nationalize.io?name=michael |
76 | Developer Tools | QuickChart | Generate charts on-the-fly | https://quickchart.io/chart?c={type:'bar',data:{labels:[2019,2020,2021,2022, 2023],datasets:[{label:'Users',data:[120,60,50,180,120]}]}} |
77 | Developer Tools | Serialif Color | Get colors in different formats | https://color.serialif.com/aquamarine |
78 | Developer Tools | Sixdots | Google playstore analysis | https://storeapi.six-dots.app/last_updated_100 |
79 | Developer Tools | Un-Shorten | Unshorten shortened URLs | https://unshorten.me/json/goo.gl/IGL1lE |
80 | Developer Tools | URLhaus | Receive and submit malware URLs | https://urlhaus-api.abuse.ch/v1/urls/recent/limit/3/ |
81 | Food & Drink | Cocktail Database | Cocktail recipes | https://www.thecocktaildb.com/api/json/v1/1/search.php?s=margarita |
82 | Food & Drink | Open Brewery DB | Breweries | https://api.openbrewerydb.org/breweries |
83 | Food & Drink | Open Food Facts | Data on food products | https://world.openfoodfacts.org/api/v0/product/737628064502.json |
84 | Food & Drink | Spoonacular | Comprehensive food API | https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/complexSearch |
85 | Food & Drink | Whisky Hunter | Whisky auctions | https://whiskyhunter.net/api/auctions_data/?format=json |
86 | Fun & Games | AmiiboAPI | Nintendo Amiibo database | https://www.amiiboapi.com/api/amiibo/?name=mario |
87 | Fun & Games | Barter | Digital game libraries, wishlists and tradables | https://barter.vg/browse/cards/json |
88 | Fun & Games | Board Game Geek | Board games | https://boardgamegeek.com/xmlapi/search?search=frika |
89 | Fun & Games | CheapShark | Price comparison for digital games | https://www.cheapshark.com/api/1.0/deals?upperPrice=15 |
90 | Fun & Games | Chuck Norris Jokes | Chuck Norris facts | https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random |
91 | Fun & Games | D&D 5th Edition | Official 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons | https://www.dnd5eapi.co/api/features |
92 | Fun & Games | Data Dragon | League of Legends champions API | https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/14.3.1/data/en_US/champion.json |
93 | Fun & Games | Deck of Cards | Simulate a deck of cards | https://deckofcardsapi.com/api/deck/new/shuffle/?deck_count=1 |
94 | Fun & Games | Evil Insult Generator | Generate insults | https://evilinsult.com/generate_insult.php?lang=en&type=json |
95 | Fun & Games | FreeToGame | Free-to-play games | https://www.freetogame.com/api/games?platform=pc |
96 | Fun & Games | Gamerpower | Free games and giveaways | https://www.gamerpower.com/api/giveaways?platform=steam&type=loot&sort-by=popularity |
97 | Fun & Games | Hyrule Compendium | The Legend of Zelda: BOTW | https://botw-compendium.herokuapp.com/api/v2/entry/white-maned_lynel |
98 | Fun & Games | icanhazdadjoke | Dad jokes | https://icanhazdadjoke.com/ |
99 | Fun & Games | Imgflip | Popular memes | https://api.imgflip.com/get_memes |
100 | Fun & Games | isEven | Check if a number is even | https://api.isevenapi.xyz/api/iseven/12/ |
101 | Fun & Games | JokeAPI | Jokes | https://v2.jokeapi.dev/joke/Any?safe-mode |
102 | Fun & Games | Magic: The Gathering | Cards and sets from MTG | https://api.magicthegathering.io/v1/sets |
103 | Fun & Games | Official Joke | Jokes | https://official-joke-api.appspot.com/random_joke |
104 | Fun & Games | Open Trivia DB | Trivia questions | https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount=10&category=17&difficulty=easy |
105 | Fun & Games | PokéAPI | Pokémon data | https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/ditto |
106 | Fun & Games | Pokémon TCG | Pokémon card data | https://api.pokemontcg.io/v2/cards/xy1-1 |
107 | Fun & Games | RuneScape | Runescape data | https://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/api/catalogue/items.json?category=9&alpha=c&page=1 |
108 | Fun & Games | Scryfall | Magic: The Gathering card data | https://api.scryfall.com/cards/search?order=cmc&q=c:red%20pow=3 |
109 | Fun & Games | TCGdex | Pokémon card data | https://api.tcgdex.net/v2/en/sets |
110 | Fun & Games | XIVAPI | Final Fantasy XIV | https://xivapi.com/Action/127 |
111 | Fun & Games | xkcd | xkcd comics | http://xkcd.com/info.0.json |
112 | Fun & Games | Yes or No? | Randomly generate a yes or no image | https://yesno.wtf/api |
113 | Geo | Adresse | French addresses and geocoding | https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/?q=8+bd+du+port |
114 | Geo | Country.is | Lookup country by IP address | https://api.country.is/ |
115 | Geo | Geocode | Forward/reverse geocoding | https://geocode.xyz/51.50354,-0.12768?geoit=json |
116 | Geo | GeoJS | Geolocation by IP address | https://get.geojs.io/v1/ip/geo.json |
117 | Geo | geoPlugin | Currency conversion and geolocation data | http://www.geoplugin.net/php.gp |
118 | Geo | GetTheData | UK geo coordinates conversion | https://api.getthedata.com/bng2latlong/529090/179645 |
119 | Geo | HelloSalut | Translate "hello" by IP address | http://stefanbohacek.com/hellosalut/?mode=auto |
120 | Geo | Hong Kong GeoData Store | Hong Kong geo data | https://geodata.gov.hk/gs/api/v1.0.0/locationSearch?q=museums |
121 | Geo | ipapi | Geolocation by IP address | https://ipapi.co/json/ |
122 | Geo | IPGeo | Geolocation by IP address | https://api.techniknews.net/ipgeo/ |
123 | Geo | Nominatum | Locations and addresses | https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search.php?city=taipei&format=jsonv2 |
124 | Geo | Open Topo Data | Determine elevation for lat/long | https://api.opentopodata.org/v1/srtm90m?locations=-43.5,172.5|27.6,1.98&interpolation=cubic |
125 | Geo | Postcodes | UK geo data by postcode | https://api.postcodes.io/postcodes/OX49%205NU |
126 | Geo | ViaCEP | Brazil's postal address codes (CEPs) | https://viacep.com.br/ws/01001000/json/ |
127 | Geo | Zippopotamus | Zip code information for 60 countries | https://api.zippopotam.us/us/90210 |
128 | Geo | Ziptastic | US geo data by zipcode | https://ziptasticapi.com/90210 |
129 | Government | Banco Central Do Brasil | Brazil Central Bank data | https://api.bcb.gov.br/dados/serie/bcdata.sgs.20716/dados/ultimos/10?formato=json |
130 | Government | Belgian Open Data Initiative | Belgian government open data | https://social.brussels/rest/sector/5/organisations |
131 | Government | Brasil | Brazil public data | https://brasilapi.com.br/api/feriados/v1/2024 |
132 | Government | CiviX | Law and bylaw content of British Columbia | https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/search/complete/fullsearch?q=water&s=0&e=20&nFrag=5&lFrag=100 |
133 | Government | Colorado Information Marketplace | Colorado state open data | https://data.colorado.gov/resource/4ykn-tg5h.json |
134 | Government | Data USA | US public data | https://datausa.io/api/data?drilldowns=Nation&measures=Population |
135 | Government | Data.gov | U.S. government open data | https://data.ny.gov/api/views/d6yy-54nr/rows.xml?accessType=DOWNLOAD |
136 | Government | Data.gov.au | Australian government open data | https://www.data.act.gov.au/api/views/s4g9-ndv2/rows.json?accessType=DOWNLOAD |
137 | Government | Dawum | German election polls | https://api.dawum.de/ |
138 | Government | European Commission Taxation and Customs | Europan Comission taxes | https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/rest-api/ms/DE/vat/122268496 |
139 | Government | FBI Wanted | FBI Wanted data | https://api.fbi.gov/wanted/v1/list |
140 | Government | Federal Register | Daily journal of the US government | https://www.federalregister.gov/api/v1/documents/2023-05167?publication_date=2023-03-14 |
141 | Government | Food Standards Agency | UK restaurant hygiene ratings | https://ratings.food.gov.uk/OpenDataFiles/FHRS529en-GB.json |
142 | Government | NYC Open Data | New York City open data | https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/erm2-nwe9.json?unique_key=57056073 |
143 | Government | Open Data DC | Washington DC open data | https://maps2.dcgis.dc.gov/dcgis/rest/services/DCGIS_DATA/Transportation_TrafficVolume_WebMercator/MapServer/171/query?where=1%3D1&outFields=ROUTEID,FROMMEASURE,TOMEASURE,FROMDATE,TODATE&outSR=4326&f=json |
144 | Government | Open Government, Canada | Canadian government open data | https://open.canada.ca/data/api/action/package_show?id=5953da6b-d81b-4a2c-8b27-145892827fb0 |
145 | Government | Represent Civic Information | Canada's elected officials and electoral districts | https://represent.opennorth.ca/representatives/?first_name=Jack |
146 | Government | USAspending | U.S. federal government spending data | https://api.usaspending.gov/api/v2/references/toptier_agencies/ |
147 | Government | USPTO | US Patent and Trademark Office | https://developer.uspto.gov/ipmarketplace-api/search/query?searchText=vehicles |
148 | Government | World Bank | World Bank open data | http://api.worldbank.org/v2/region?format=json |
149 | Health | HealthCare.gov | US health insurance data | https://www.healthcare.gov/api/index.json |
150 | Health | Makeup | Makeup brands and product info | http://makeup-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/products.json?brand=maybelline |
151 | Health | NPPES | US health care providers | https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/api/?version=2.1&city=baltimore |
152 | Health | openFDA | Food & Drug Administration data (US) | https://api.fda.gov/food/enforcement.json?limit=10 |
153 | Inspiration | Advice Slip | Generate random advice | https://api.adviceslip.com/advice/search/love |
154 | Inspiration | Affirmations | Generate affirmations | https://www.affirmations.dev/ |
155 | Inspiration | Breaking Bad Quotes | Retrieve some quotes of Breaking Bad | https://api.breakingbadquotes.xyz/v1/quotes |
156 | Inspiration | Dictum | Inspiring expressions | https://api.fisenko.net/v1/quotes/en?query=string&offset=0&limit=0 |
157 | Inspiration | Game of Thrones Quotes | Retrieve some quotes of Game of Thrones | https://api.gameofthronesquotes.xyz/v1/random |
158 | Inspiration | Kanye | Kanye quotes | https://api.kanye.rest/ |
159 | Inspiration | Quotable | Random quotes | https://api.quotable.io/quotes/random |
160 | Inspiration | Quote Garden | Database of 75000 quotes | https://quote-garden.onrender.com/api/v3/quotes |
161 | Inspiration | Quotes on Design | Quotes about design | https://quotesondesign.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/?orderby=rand |
162 | Inspiration | Ron Swanson Quotes | Ron Swanson quotes API | https://ron-swanson-quotes.herokuapp.com/v2/quotes |
163 | Jobs | Jobicy | List of remote jobs | https://jobicy.com/api/v2/remote-jobs?count=20&geo=usa&industry=marketing&tag=seo |
164 | Language | Chinese Character Web | Information about Chinese characters | http://ccdb.hemiola.com/characters/radicals/85?count |
165 | Language | Chinese Text Project | Digital library for pre-modern Chinese texts | https://api.ctext.org/getdictionaryheadwords |
166 | Language | Datamuse | Query words matching conditions | https://api.datamuse.com/words?ml=ringing+in+the+ears |
167 | Language | Free Dictionary | Word definitions and phonetics | https://api.dictionaryapi.dev/api/v2/entries/en/digital |
168 | Language | PurgoMalum | Check content for profanity | https://www.purgomalum.com/service/json?text=this%20is%20some%20test%20input |
169 | Music | Binary Jazz | Fetch a random genre | https://binaryjazz.us/wp-json/genrenator/v1/genre/5 |
170 | Music | iTunes Search | iTunes content | https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=radiohead |
171 | Music | MusicBrainz | Music data | http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/5b11f4ce-a62d-471e-81fc-a69a8278c7da?fmt=json |
172 | Music | Openwhyd | Playlists from various streaming platforms | https://openwhyd.org/hot/electro?format=json |
173 | Open Data | Archive.org | Large public digital archive | https://archive.org/metadata/TheAdventuresOfTomSawyer_201303 |
174 | Open Data | Carbon Intensity | Carbon intensity of the electricity system in Great Britain | https://api.carbonintensity.org.uk/intensity/date |
175 | Open Data | Data.Police.UK | UK crime & police data | https://data.police.uk/api/crimes-street/all-crime?lat=52.629729&lng=-1.131592&date=2023-01 |
176 | Open Data | Fipe | Brazilian vehicles and prices | https://parallelum.com.br/fipe/api/v1/carros/marcas/59/modelos |
177 | Open Data | House Stock Watcher | US Congress members' stock transactions | https://house-stock-watcher-data.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/data/filemap.xml |
178 | Open Data | Leadsbox | 71 Million business records in 202 countries | https://leadsbox.biz/?query=lawyers+in+germany |
179 | Open Data | Open Library | Information about books | http://openlibrary.org/api/volumes/brief/isbn/9780525440987.json |
180 | Open Data | PM2.5 | PM2.5 environmental data monitoring | https://pm25.lass-net.org/API-1.0.0/project/airbox/latest/ |
181 | Open Data | Universities List | Universities | http://universities.hipolabs.com/search?country=United+Kingdom |
182 | Open Data | Vehicles | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's catalog of vehicles specs | https://vpic.nhtsa.dot.gov/api/vehicles/GetVehicleTypesForMake/merc?format=json |
183 | Open Data | Wayback Machine | Internet archive availability | https://archive.org/wayback/available?url=google.com |
184 | Open Data | Wikipedia | Pageview stats | https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/metrics/pageviews/per-article/en.wikipedia/all-access/all-agents/Tiger_King/daily/20210901/20210930 |
185 | Science | Arcsecond | Worldwide astronomy data | https://api.arcsecond.io/activities/ |
186 | Science | arXiv | Research-sharing platform | http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?search_query=all:electron |
187 | Science | Asterank | Asteroids, minor planets, and other objects | http://www.asterank.com/api/skymorph/search?target=J99TS7A |
188 | Science | Cat-Facts | Daily cat facts | https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts/random |
189 | Science | CelesTrak | General perturbations orbital data | https://celestrak.org/NORAD/elements/gp.php?INTDES=2023-015&FORMAT=JSON-PRETTY |
190 | Science | GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility | https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/search?year=1800,1899 |
191 | Science | iDigBio | Digitized data for millions of biological specimens | https://search.idigbio.org/v2/search/records/?rq={"data.dwc:dynamicProperties":"nsf_tcn"}&limit=1 |
192 | Science | ITIS | Integrated Taxonomic Information System | https://www.itis.gov/ITISWebService/services/ITISService/searchByCommonName?srchKey=ferret-badger |
193 | Science | NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | https://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/neo/browse?api_key=DEMO_KEY |
194 | Science | Newton | Advanced math | https://newton.now.sh/api/v2/factor/x^2-1 |
195 | Science | Numbers | Facts about numbers | http://numbersapi.com/random/math |
196 | Science | Open Notify | ISS location and people in space | http://api.open-notify.org/astros.json |
197 | Science | Spaceflight News | Spaceflight related news | https://api.spaceflightnewsapi.net/v3/articles |
198 | Science | SpaceX | Launch and rocket data | https://api.spacexdata.com/v5/launches/latest |
199 | Science | SunriseSunset | Sunrise and sunset times | https://api.sunrisesunset.io/json?lat=38.907192&lng=-77.036873&timezone=UTC&date=today |
200 | Science | TheSpaceDevs | Rocket launches, space events and crewed spaceflight | https://ll.thespacedevs.com/2.2.0/agencies/?limit=10 |
201 | Science | USGS Earthquake Catalog | Latest earthquakes | https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?format=geojson&starttime=2023-03-01&endtime=2023-03-02&minmagnitude=5 |
202 | Sports | CityBikes | Bike sharing networks | http://api.citybik.es/v2/networks |
203 | Sports | Ergast F1 | Motor racing data | http://ergast.com/api/f1/drivers.json |
204 | Sports | Football-Data | Football (soccer) competitions and data | http://api.football-data.org/v4/competitions/ |
205 | Sports | nhlapi | NHL data | https://api-web.nhle.com/v1/standings-season |
206 | Test Data | Bacon Ipsum | Generate fake data for testing | https://baconipsum.com/api/?type=meat-and-filler |
207 | Test Data | Faker | Generate fake data | https://fakerapi.it/api/v1/credit_cards?_quantity=2 |
208 | Test Data | JSONPlaceholder | Fake REST API for testing | https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1 |
209 | Test Data | Loripsum | Generate fake placeholder text | https://loripsum.net/api/10/short/headers |
210 | Test Data | RandomUser | Fake user data generator | https://randomuser.me/api/ |
211 | Test Data | Reqres | Test against a real API | https://reqres.in/api/users?page=1 |
212 | Test Data | REST | Rest API for testing | https://api.restful-api.dev/objects |
213 | Test Data | Softwium | Dummy JSON data for a variety of categories | https://softwium.com/api/books |
214 | Test Data | UUID Generator | Generate UUIDs and GUIDs | https://www.uuidtools.com/api/generate/v1/count/3 |
215 | Transportation | Derhuerst | Public transport for Berlin & Brandenburg | https://v6.vbb.transport.rest/locations?query=berlin |
216 | Transportation | iRail | Belgian railways | https://api.irail.be/vehicle/?id=BE.NMBS.IC1832&format=json&lang=en&alerts=false |
217 | Transportation | MBTA | Public transport for Boston | https://api-v3.mbta.com/route_patterns?filter[route]=CR-Providence&include=representative_trip&fields[trip]=headsign |
218 | Transportation | Metro Lisboa | Subway line status | https://app.metrolisboa.pt/status/getLinhas.php |
219 | Weather | 7Timer! | Weather forecasts for astronomy | http://www.7timer.info/bin/api.pl?lon=113.17&lat=23.09&product=astro&output=json |
220 | Weather | Aviation Weather Center | Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) data | https://aviationweather.gov/api/data/airport?ids=KMCI |
221 | Weather | Open-Meteo | Open source weather API | https://api.open-meteo.com/v1/forecast?latitude=52.52&longitude=13.41&daily=temperature_2m_max,temperature_2m_min |
222 | Weather | openSenseMap | Personal senseBox (weather station) data | https://api.opensensemap.org/boxes/57000b8745fd40c8196ad04c?format=json |
223 | Weather | SG Weather | Realtime weather readings for Singapore | https://api.data.gov.sg/v1/environment/air-temperature |
224 | Weather | wttr | Console-oriented weather forecast service | wttr.in/London?format=3 |
Thank you Ana! I found this post really useful !!
Thanks for the kind feedback : )
Thank you
Dear Ana,
I need an application with API to get integerate with Idam tool for practice on my Iab.
Do you have any please let me know.
Hey Ana, thank you for including my API, JokeAPI, but the version you linked here is being turned off in about two months. There's a new version here: https://sv443.net/jokeapi/v2
Thanks for letting me know, I’ve updated the link! Nice site.
I need api for names of universities in India, worldwide. And designations and titles, industries, functional areas, skills
Please see the University List API in the table above. The documentation can be found at https://github.com/Hipo/university-domains-list. Here is the endpoint for getting the universities in India:
I'm not sure what you mean by designations and titles, industries, functional areas, skills.
Thank you Ana for the excellent site. I have made a fetch tutorial with the jokeApi and I mentioned your name and added a link to your site. Just my way of saying thank you.
Hey Ryan, thank you for that! And that's a really good tutorial. I've never seen that site before, just signed up now and am checking it out.
Thank you. It is a real cool site with over 5 million users. Maybe you can share some of your codes with us on this site 🙂
Actually this is very nice !!!! I am searching for fun and free api's for a long time, this is like a crystal clear of what I exactly need !!! keep it up man .....Good Work!!!!!
Thanks for the nice comment! Have fun with them.
Nice link urls. Really helpful
can u have API of cricket live match
Sorry, I don't know any open cricket APIs. This one has a free plan but you'll need to sign up for a key: https://rapidapi.com/dev132/api/cricket-live-scores
This is Awesome, Thank you for listing those APIs Here. That's Really Helpful.
Thanks for the info
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this list.
I often need an API for testing something simple. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) hard to find many that don't need a registration+key.
So thank you for this list. It is gold!
Thank you for such a positive comment!
thanks for your support on this stuffs. 🙂
Thank you for this list! This is amazing and extremely useful 🙂
thanks guys i love this page it helps me alot, please is there any api on reators without key? thanks for any positive reply.
Hey there, I don't know any public real estate APIs without keys. But if you are just looking for demo data, you can try this one, they give you a demo key to view test data without signing up: https://rets.ly/docs/explorer/reso-web-api
wow! thanks alot i do love your page and thanks for you support.
do you have any blog I could follow so I can get updates and also learn from from you i love these stuff you do. thanks.
Thank you 🙂 I post a lot about API stuff on this site.
Hi Ana, nice list. Here is another one: An API to convert Unixtime to a DateTime and vice versa. Completely free
Thanks, added!
2022-11-08 update: removed as it's been down for several weeks
Thanks for this great list.
Super useful, thank you!
Great URLs!!
Here is another free api, https://www.pixelencounter.com/Api
Thanks, I'll add it.
Free cryptocurrency API
Nice link containing opensource REST APIs. Really helpful in many places of my project
Hi Ana,
This is a great list! One you might want to add is:
This is a good site for API client testing.
I got a "site can't be reached" error on that one, is that the right URL?
Looks like it's actually http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/, and I second that recommendation: it supports a lot of experimentation.
Aha! You're right, I just added it.
Oh... nice work Ana.
Maybe would like to add us to the list https://data.oddsmagnet.com
Thanks, added.
2022-11-08 update: removed as API requests now resolve to 404 errors
This is great and useful thanks. However do you have any where I can use Key and Secret's to test api connectivity with high security which is more common these days?
Do you mean a list of APIs that require API keys? Most APIs require authorization, or you can check an API directory like this one: https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis
Thank you Ana! I found this post really useful !!
I just briefly tested the "Jokes" API and it immediately presented a racist joke. I did this during a class. You should reconsider listing that as a resource.
Sorry about that. I've updated the link to use their "safe mode", which should prevent this from happening in the future.
Thanks for the post
Ana, we develop mission-critical environmental conservation apps for NGOs. Using Appsheet. New to APIs. Need access to soil and ecoregion data. Soil data from SSURGO and ecoregion data from US EPA. Should be possible. Can you find SSURGO APIs?
Hey Mark! I would just Google "SSURGO APIs" and see if any of the results look like what you're looking for. I tried and see several results, but since I don't have any background knowledge, I can't really evaluate their quality or relevance.
Thank you for the list!
Just to raise it to your attention, the pixelencounter link actually is a duplicate link to the openFDA site from above. Just thought you might want to fix it at some point. Otherwise the list is great!
Thank you, David. That was a copy/paste error; fixed.
Will you please add us to this list: https://weatherdbi.herokuapp.com
This is a easy to implement weather api.
No longer working.
Thanks, I removed it.
it's working again
Thanks for the post! The guessers based on names are very good!
Awesome, Thank you Ana!
Please add APIs for therapists lists or care providers
You can check https://rapidapi.com/ and https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis for more APIs.
is there any public api for sending post request
Sure, you can see example POST requests in the HTTPBin API. You can't run those by simply clicking a link, though, since they require POST bodies.
Really a complete list of APIs. You just save my life. Thanks Ana
I would like to point out to a very useful free API for searching locations and adresses.
Thanks, looks good! Added.
Thanks for the list . Very useful. was searching for this since some time
Hi Ana add Mockyard.in into your list which provide rest API's for mock data 9r dummy data for testing purpose
I think this sunrise/sunset times API would make a good addition! https://sunrisesunset.io/api/
Nice API, added!
nice list 🙂
can we also add the astronomy picture of the day API
this one doesn't need a key: https://go-apod.herokuapp.com/
thank you again
Update: removed because it now resolves to an error page.
Hi Ana,
Thank you for the list. I just wanted to know if there is any API that i can test for free which can send a zip file as a response. I am doing a POC and i need to confirm the zip file flow.
Sorry, I'm not sure. You can check httpbin for many different response types, but I don't think they have zip files
Great list, thanks a lot for sharing, my two cents 🙂
Rick And Morty API: https://rickandmortyapi.com/
Star Wars api (fork): https://swapi.dev/
Thanks, added!
Hi there, Thanks for your work, can we have api for granite marble and quartz as well, Thanks
Thanks for this very helpful list. Much appreciated.
Hi, I need a free weather api without using access token. Please post one.
You can try 7Timer.
super thanx 🙂
Thank you Ana. Brilliant work!
IPfast no longer works
Thanks, removed it.
Add ulvis free URL shortener api
Super helpful list, thanks for putting it together. NASA also has some really nice free APIs (https://api.nasa.gov/)
Thanks, that's a great link. The APIs all seem to require an API key for access, but there is a (rate limited) DEMO_KEY, too.
thanks for providing free api
Very informative page.
In case you maybe want to create your own custom data and fetch it from an API, here is a good API that allows you to do that: https://restful-api.dev/
Added, thanks
Hi, Thank you for providing this list of APIs, it looks really good. I believe you should also include (www.ipstack.com), which offers geolocation API and global IP database services globally.
Thanks but this list is only for APIs that don't require a key for access.
Please can I get an API for Identity verifications? Like National Identification Numbers for verification and reprinting
You can find these by searching for "identity verification api" but I don't know of any free or open APIs for this, as far as I can see they are all enterprise solutions.
Another one: DAWUM - Wahlumfragen in Deutschland, opinion polls for german elections, website: https://dawum.de/, API (JSON): \url{https://api.dawum.de/), in German
Thanks, added.
GeckoTerminal, the cryptocurrency price tracker by CoinGecko, also released its public API: https://api.geckoterminal.com/docs/index.html
Sorry, missed this earlier. Added!
thanks,it was helpful 🙂
Nice list with api's, i am building some open api's myself - ill post them when their done 🙂
Thank You
Nice list that gives me lots of tool ideals !
Can i know the API key for indeed website or weather app
Not sure I understood this question, can you please rephrase it?
Hi, Ana,
The documentation has existed in every calculator page:
for example this cal: https://do-calculate.com/calculator/en/bmiadults
This page has a tab called Call Via API which has a documentation for the API
Ah, I see it now, thanks. Looks pretty useful, though this list only includes GET requests at the moment (so that they can be accessed via the browser).
You can also add https://aruljohn.com/api/
They are totally free to use and do not require an API key.
Thanks, I'll add them to the list.
Excellent list! Thanks for compiling this. I used the Cocktail API for a command on my Twitch stream.
Here's a free, public API for getting a user's chess.com ratings and other info:
Sample URL:
Looks great, will add this.
Hi, please consider to add in IP2Location.io: https://www.ip2location.io/ which is returning IP geolocation data, WHOIS data and proxy information. It is a keyless API and it is free.
I checked the developer docs and it seems to require a key, can you please let me know how to access this API without a key?
You can access the API directly at https://api.ip2location.io/.
Cool, thanks!
hi, please any Exchange-RateAPIs
There are a few listed, you can find them by entering "exchange" in the filter box
You have created an awesome list of free APIs and I would l like to suggest one more API that is NewsData.io News API.
Hi, I used the loripsum.net/api but it gives a CORS error.....
Thanks for your feedback, but I wasn't able to replicate the issue -- I just clicked the loripsum.net sample API URL and it worked for me in my browser. Can you please share how you accessed it?
Hi Ana,
Add this API to the List for Playaround.
URL: https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/
Please, add luxand.cloud face recognition API. They offer a forever free plan of their API.
Thanks but this list is only for APIs that do not require login or authorization.
do you have any recommendations for which api's are best for a mac?
All of them! It shouldn't matter at all which kind of device you use to retrieve the API response 🙂
Hey Ana.., Does anyone know a free api that takes pages token as parameter?
Sure, you can see some page parameters in the examples above, e.g.
Tried your submit form, but it doesn't work.
I built a free API: https://letscountapi.com/
This API allows clients to create, retrieve, update, increment, and decrement counters identified by namespace and key. It's completely free to use.
Looks good, though this list only includes APIs that work through the GET method (so they can be accessed in the browser).
Ah ok thanks!
We as sixdots have a small api that provides some info about the android playstore.
Can it be in the list?
Looks cool but the API is timing out for me.
Perhaps you had bad luck since there is constant development, are you willing to try again?
Hi Ana,
This is what I looked for since concretely.
Absolutely Amazing it's so helpful for me
your given list so helpful for beginners those who have started Api integration
Muy util
esta increÃble, muchas gracias es muy útil
I'm impressed,it's comprehensive and accurate .
this is such a nice post, it helps me a lot for my project that im doing right now. thank you
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