Big List of Free and Open Public APIs (No Auth Needed)

An API (Application Programming Interface) allows you to send and receive data from a remote server, like querying a database. This is helpful when you're building an app or pulling metrics for reporting, because it means you can focus on presenting information in a unique or useful manner, rather than developing the underlying data set. For example, most weather apps get their weather forecast data from a weather API, rather than building weather stations themselves. For more detailed information on how APIs work, see here.

While most APIs require access via API keys (which are similar to passwords), or have complex methods of authentication, there are also quite a few APIs with no requirements at all. This is especially useful for beginners, as it means you can start exploring different APIs right away. It is also useful for web developers looking to access a sample data set for testing.

Big List of Free Open APIs

The APIs below can be accessed using any method:

  • your web browser (just click on the sample URLs to load them)
  • any modern coding language
  • cURL for the command line
  • no-code API clients like Swagger, Postman, or Insomnia
  • Mixed Analytics' own API Connector for Google Sheets
1API DirectoriesAPIs.guruOpenAPI API directory
2Art & ImagesArt Institute of ChicagoArtwork from the museum
3Art & ImagesCOLOURloversColor trends
4Art & ImagesDiceBearGenerate random SVG avatars
5Art & ImagesDogsRandom dog images
6Art & ImagesHTTP CatsCat images for HTTP status codes
7Art & ImagesLorem PicsumPlaceholder images
8Art & ImagesMetropolitan Museum of ArtArtwork from the museum
9Art & ImagesPHP-NoiseNoise background image generator
10Art & ImagesPlacebearPictures of bears for use as placeholders
11Art & ImagesRandom DogRandom dog images
12Art & ImagesRandomFoxRandom pictures of foxes
13Art & ImagesReSmushImage compression and optimization
14Art & ImagesRoboHashGenerate unique images from text
15Art & ImagesVadivelu Status CodesHTTP Codes with images
16CalendarNager.DatePublic holidays
17CalendarUK Bank HolidaysUK bank holidays
18Content4chan4chan's read-only API
19ContentAnime News NetworkAnime/manga encyclopedia
20ContentCeska TelevizeCzech television program data
21ContentChronicling AmericaHistoric US newspapers
22ContentCrossrefScholarly metadata
23ContentFinal SpaceTelevision show Final Space
24ContentHackerNewsHacker News API
25ContentIce and FireQuantified and structured data from the universe of Ice and Fire
26ContentJikanUnofficial MyAnimeList API
27ContentListlyTop 10 lists
28ContentMCU-CountdownWhen is the next MCU film?
29ContentMediawikiWikipedia page content and revisions
30ContentOpen LibraryBooks and book-related data
31ContentRedditPublic content from Reddit
32ContentReddit StocksTop stocks from Wallstreetbets
33ContentRick and MortyRick and Morty characters
34ContentSTAPIStar Trek information
35ContentSWAPIStar Wars information
36ContentThe RosaryRosary prayers
37ContentTVMazeTV show information girls
38ContentWolne LekturySearch ebooks from wolnelektury.pl
39ContentWordPressPosts from any public WordPress site
40Crypto & FinanceBinance24 hr crypto data
41Crypto & FinanceCoinBaseCurrency codes and names
42Crypto & FinanceCoinCapReal time cryptocurrency prices
43Crypto & FinanceCoinDeskBitcoin price index
44Crypto & FinanceCoinGeckoCryptocurrency market data
45Crypto & FinanceCoinLoreCryptocurrency market data
46Crypto & FinanceCoinMapCrypto ATMs
47Crypto & FinanceCoinpaprikaCryptocurrency data
48Crypto & FinanceCurrency RatesCurrency exchange rates
49Crypto & FinanceDEX ScreenerBlockchain screener
50Crypto & FinanceExchangeRate-APIExchange rates
51Crypto & FinanceGeckoTerminalCrypto data
52Crypto & FinanceGeminiCryptocurrency market data
53Crypto & FinanceKrakenCrypto data
54Crypto & FinanceKuCoinCrypto data
55Crypto & FinanceNBP WebCurrency exchange rates and gold prices
56Crypto & FinanceNexchangeCryptocurrency market data
57Crypto & FinanceOKXCryptocurrency market data
58Crypto & FinanceRazorpay IFSCIndian Financial Systems Codes
59Crypto & FinanceWazirXCrypto data
60Developer ToolsAgifyPredict age based on a name
61Developer ToolsAPIC AgentDetect browser, OS, and device from user agent;%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010_15_5)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/89.0.4389.114%20Safari/537.36
62Developer ToolsArul's Public APIsGet IP address
63Developer ToolsCloudflare TraceGet IP address, user agent, etchttps://
64Developer ToolsDigital Ocean StatusDigitalOcean status
65Developer ToolsFilterListsLists of filters used by ad blockers
66Developer ToolsGenderize.ioPredict gender based on a name
67Developer ToolsGoogle FaviconsGoogle's unofficial favicon fetcher
68Developer ToolsgoQRCreate and read QR codes
69Developer ToolsHTTPBinInspect user agent and headers
70Developer ToolsImage-ChartsChart images,40&chl=Hello|World&chan&chf=ps0-0,lg,45,ffeb3b,0.2,f44336,1|ps0-1,lg,45,8bc34a,0.2,009688,1
71Developer ToolsIP2LocationGet public IP address
72Developer ToolsIPifyGet public IP address
73Developer Toolsis.gdURL shortener
74Developer ToolsMicrolinkRetrieve metadata and screenshots from any URL
75Developer ToolsNationalize.ioPredict nationality based on a name
76Developer ToolsQuickChartGenerate charts on-the-fly{type:'bar',data:{labels:[2019,2020,2021,2022, 2023],datasets:[{label:'Users',data:[120,60,50,180,120]}]}}
77Developer ToolsSerialif ColorGet colors in different formats
78Developer ToolsSixdotsGoogle playstore analysis
79Developer ToolsUn-ShortenUnshorten shortened URLs
80Developer ToolsURLhausReceive and submit malware URLs
81Food & DrinkCocktail DatabaseCocktail recipes
82Food & DrinkOpen Brewery DBBreweries
83Food & DrinkOpen Food FactsData on food products
84Food & DrinkSpoonacularComprehensive food API
85Food & DrinkWhisky HunterWhisky auctions
86Fun & GamesAmiiboAPINintendo Amiibo database
87Fun & GamesBarterDigital game libraries, wishlists and tradables
88Fun & GamesBoard Game GeekBoard games
89Fun & GamesCheapSharkPrice comparison for digital games
90Fun & GamesChuck Norris JokesChuck Norris facts
91Fun & GamesD&D 5th EditionOfficial 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons
92Fun & GamesData DragonLeague of Legends champions API
93Fun & GamesDeck of CardsSimulate a deck of cards
94Fun & GamesEvil Insult GeneratorGenerate insults
95Fun & GamesFreeToGameFree-to-play games
96Fun & GamesGamerpowerFree games and giveaways
97Fun & GamesHyrule CompendiumThe Legend of Zelda: BOTW
98Fun & GamesicanhazdadjokeDad jokes
99Fun & GamesImgflipPopular memes
100Fun & GamesisEvenCheck if a number is even
101Fun & GamesJokeAPIJokes
102Fun & GamesMagic: The GatheringCards and sets from MTG
103Fun & GamesOfficial JokeJokes
104Fun & GamesOpen Trivia DBTrivia questions
105Fun & GamesPokéAPIPokémon data
106Fun & GamesPokémon TCGPokémon card data
107Fun & GamesRuneScapeRunescape data
108Fun & GamesScryfallMagic: The Gathering card data
109Fun & GamesTCGdexPokémon card data
110Fun & GamesXIVAPIFinal Fantasy XIV
111Fun & Gamesxkcdxkcd comics
112Fun & GamesYes or No?Randomly generate a yes or no image
113GeoAdresseFrench addresses and geocoding
114GeoCountry.isLookup country by IP address
115GeoGeocodeForward/reverse geocoding,-0.12768?geoit=json
116GeoGeoJSGeolocation by IP address
117GeogeoPluginCurrency conversion and geolocation data
118GeoGetTheDataUK geo coordinates conversion
119GeoHelloSalutTranslate "hello" by IP address
120GeoHong Kong GeoData StoreHong Kong geo data
121GeoipapiGeolocation by IP address
122GeoIPGeoGeolocation by IP address
123GeoNominatumLocations and addresses
124GeoOpen Topo DataDetermine elevation for lat/long,172.5|27.6,1.98&interpolation=cubic
125GeoPostcodesUK geo data by postcode
126GeoViaCEPBrazil's postal address codes (CEPs)
127GeoZippopotamusZip code information for 60 countries
128GeoZiptasticUS geo data by zipcode
129GovernmentBanco Central Do BrasilBrazil Central Bank data
130GovernmentBelgian Open Data InitiativeBelgian government open data
131GovernmentBrasilBrazil public data
132GovernmentCiviXLaw and bylaw content of British Columbia
133GovernmentColorado Information MarketplaceColorado state open data
134GovernmentData USAUS public data
135GovernmentData.govU.S. government open data government open data
137GovernmentDawumGerman election polls
138GovernmentEuropean Commission Taxation and CustomsEuropan Comission taxes
139GovernmentFBI WantedFBI Wanted data
140GovernmentFederal RegisterDaily journal of the US government
141GovernmentFood Standards AgencyUK restaurant hygiene ratings
142GovernmentNYC Open DataNew York City open data
143GovernmentOpen Data DCWashington DC open data,FROMMEASURE,TOMEASURE,FROMDATE,TODATE&outSR=4326&f=json
144GovernmentOpen Government, CanadaCanadian government open data
145GovernmentRepresent Civic InformationCanada's elected officials and electoral districts
146GovernmentUSAspendingU.S. federal government spending data
147GovernmentUSPTOUS Patent and Trademark Office
148GovernmentWorld BankWorld Bank open data
149HealthHealthCare.govUS health insurance data
150HealthMakeupMakeup brands and product info
151HealthNPPESUS health care providers
152HealthopenFDAFood & Drug Administration data (US)
153InspirationAdvice SlipGenerate random advice
154InspirationAffirmationsGenerate affirmations
155InspirationBreaking Bad QuotesRetrieve some quotes of Breaking Bad
156InspirationDictumInspiring expressions
157InspirationGame of Thrones QuotesRetrieve some quotes of Game of Thrones
158InspirationKanyeKanye quotes
159InspirationQuotableRandom quotes
160InspirationQuote GardenDatabase of 75000 quotes
161InspirationQuotes on DesignQuotes about design
162InspirationRon Swanson QuotesRon Swanson quotes API
163JobsJobicyList of remote jobs
164LanguageChinese Character WebInformation about Chinese characters
165LanguageChinese Text ProjectDigital library for pre-modern Chinese texts
166LanguageDatamuseQuery words matching conditions
167LanguageFree DictionaryWord definitions and phonetics
168LanguagePurgoMalumCheck content for profanity
169MusicBinary JazzFetch a random genre
170MusiciTunes SearchiTunes content
171MusicMusicBrainzMusic data
172MusicOpenwhydPlaylists from various streaming platforms
173Open DataArchive.orgLarge public digital archive
174Open DataCarbon IntensityCarbon intensity of the electricity system in Great Britain
175Open DataData.Police.UKUK crime & police data
176Open DataFipeBrazilian vehicles and prices
177Open DataHouse Stock WatcherUS Congress members' stock transactions
178Open DataLeadsbox71 Million business records in 202 countries
179Open DataOpen LibraryInformation about books
180Open DataPM2.5PM2.5 environmental data monitoring
181Open DataUniversities ListUniversities
182Open DataVehiclesNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration's catalog of vehicles specs
183Open DataWayback MachineInternet archive availability
184Open DataWikipediaPageview stats
185ScienceArcsecondWorldwide astronomy data
186SciencearXivResearch-sharing platform
187ScienceAsterankAsteroids, minor planets, and other objects
188ScienceCat-FactsDaily cat facts
189ScienceCelesTrakGeneral perturbations orbital data
190ScienceGBIFGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility,1899
191ScienceiDigBioDigitized data for millions of biological specimens{"data.dwc:dynamicProperties":"nsf_tcn"}&limit=1
192ScienceITISIntegrated Taxonomic Information System
193ScienceNASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
194ScienceNewtonAdvanced math^2-1
195ScienceNumbersFacts about numbers
196ScienceOpen NotifyISS location and people in space
197ScienceSpaceflight NewsSpaceflight related news
198ScienceSpaceXLaunch and rocket data
199ScienceSunriseSunsetSunrise and sunset times
200ScienceTheSpaceDevsRocket launches, space events and crewed spaceflight
201ScienceUSGS Earthquake CatalogLatest earthquakes
202SportsCityBikesBike sharing networks
203SportsErgast F1Motor racing data
204SportsFootball-DataFootball (soccer) competitions and data
205SportsnhlapiNHL data
206Test DataBacon IpsumGenerate fake data for testing
207Test DataFakerGenerate fake data
208Test DataJSONPlaceholderFake REST API for testing
209Test DataLoripsumGenerate fake placeholder text
210Test DataRandomUserFake user data generator
211Test DataReqresTest against a real API
212Test DataRESTRest API for testing
213Test DataSoftwiumDummy JSON data for a variety of categories
214Test DataUUID GeneratorGenerate UUIDs and GUIDs
215TransportationDerhuerstPublic transport for Berlin & Brandenburg
216TransportationiRailBelgian railways
217TransportationMBTAPublic transport for Boston[route]=CR-Providence&include=representative_trip&fields[trip]=headsign
218TransportationMetro LisboaSubway line status
219Weather7Timer!Weather forecasts for astronomy
220WeatherAviation Weather CenterAviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) data
221WeatherOpen-MeteoOpen source weather API,temperature_2m_min
222WeatheropenSenseMapPersonal senseBox (weather station) data
223WeatherSG WeatherRealtime weather readings for Singapore
224WeatherwttrConsole-oriented weather forecast
Have another API for this list? Please submit it here.
Submit Open APIs

144 thoughts on “Big List of Free and Open Public APIs (No Auth Needed)”

    • Hey Ryan, thank you for that! And that's a really good tutorial. I've never seen that site before, just signed up now and am checking it out.

      • Thank you. It is a real cool site with over 5 million users. Maybe you can share some of your codes with us on this site 🙂

  1. Actually this is very nice !!!! I am searching for fun and free api's for a long time, this is like a crystal clear of what I exactly need !!! keep it up man .....Good Work!!!!!

  2. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this list.
    I often need an API for testing something simple. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) hard to find many that don't need a registration+key.
    So thank you for this list. It is gold!

  3. thanks guys i love this page it helps me alot, please is there any api on reators without key? thanks for any positive reply.

  4. Hello

    This is great and useful thanks. However do you have any where I can use Key and Secret's to test api connectivity with high security which is more common these days?

  5. I just briefly tested the "Jokes" API and it immediately presented a racist joke. I did this during a class. You should reconsider listing that as a resource.

  6. Ana, we develop mission-critical environmental conservation apps for NGOs. Using Appsheet. New to APIs. Need access to soil and ecoregion data. Soil data from SSURGO and ecoregion data from US EPA. Should be possible. Can you find SSURGO APIs?

    • Hey Mark! I would just Google "SSURGO APIs" and see if any of the results look like what you're looking for. I tried and see several results, but since I don't have any background knowledge, I can't really evaluate their quality or relevance.

  7. Thank you for the list!

    Just to raise it to your attention, the pixelencounter link actually is a duplicate link to the openFDA site from above. Just thought you might want to fix it at some point. Otherwise the list is great!

  8. Hi Ana,
    Thank you for the list. I just wanted to know if there is any API that i can test for free which can send a zip file as a response. I am doing a POC and i need to confirm the zip file flow.

  9. Hi, Thank you for providing this list of APIs, it looks really good. I believe you should also include (, which offers geolocation API and global IP database services globally.

    • You can find these by searching for "identity verification api" but I don't know of any free or open APIs for this, as far as I can see they are all enterprise solutions.

    • Ah, I see it now, thanks. Looks pretty useful, though this list only includes GET requests at the moment (so that they can be accessed via the browser).

    • Thanks for your feedback, but I wasn't able to replicate the issue -- I just clicked the sample API URL and it worked for me in my browser. Can you please share how you accessed it?

  10. Tried your submit form, but it doesn't work.

    I built a free API:

    This API allows clients to create, retrieve, update, increment, and decrement counters identified by namespace and key. It's completely free to use.

  11. Absolutely Amazing it's so helpful for me
    your given list so helpful for beginners those who have started Api integration


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