Extend Google Analytics: Use Transaction Data to Create a Revenue Histogram

A histogram is a type of chart that visually shows the distribution of data. It's useful when looking at the average or median of a data set, to understand whether that data point is common or not. For example, an ecommerce dashboard will typically include an Average Order Value metric. Say this metric is $50. ... Read more

Add a Pseudo Box Plot to Google Data Studio

The box plot chart (aka box and whiskers) is a chart to visually display the distribution of a dataset: the maximum, minimum, median, and the range on either side of the median. Google Data Studio currently doesn't provide a Box Plot chart type, but you can create something similar using a Stacked Column chart type.  ... Read more

Data Studio Tip: Convert Dimensions to Metrics

Google Data Studio lets you hook up a wide variety of data sources and create cool reports and visualizations out of them. Sometimes, though, the wires get crossed during the import process, and there's a data type issue where your metrics (numbers) get read as dimensions (text fields), and vice versa. Luckily there's an easy, ... Read more