Master List of Coremetrics Query Strings

This is a followup to the post on debugging Coremetrics without TagBar.  In that post we walked through how to access and understand the query strings that get sent to Coremetrics servers while a user clicks around a website.   These query strings populate the tags that get set on each page to identify user actions.  Checking these strings is a technique that can help troubleshoot and debug implementations of any web analytics tool, though it's most useful for Coremetrics.

Below is the master list of these query strings for reference.

There are still a few unknowns so let me know in the comments if you can identify them (and thanks to Shawn and Oscar for some contributions to this list).


acnot sure
ataction tag ID (at 5 = Shop Action 5, at 9 = Shop Action 9)
bpbase price
c_a1…c_a50extra Conversion Event tag attributes for Explore
catconversion action type (1=initiated event, 2=completed event)
cccurrency code
ccidconversion event category ID
cdregistration code
cgcategory for pages or products (used for CDF file)
ciClient ID
cidconversion event ID
cjenJSF parameter enabled flag
cjsidJSF session ID
cjuidJSF user ID
cjvfJSF valid flag
cm_mmca1...cm_mmca50extra marketing program tags for Explore
cm_rereal estate tracking
cm_spsite promotions tracking
cptconversion points for conversion events
ctbilling city
cx1...cx15extra custom fields for conversion events
cybilling country
e_a1...e_a50extra Element Tag attributes for Explore
eccharacter set encoding
ecatelement category
eidelement ID
ememail address
fiform inputs
fonot sure (form related)
ha1not sure
jeBoolean answering “is Java enabled?”
jvJavascript version
lplanding page
nmname of link
np0…15technical browser properties
o_a1…o_a50extra Order Tag attributes for Explore
onorder number
or11extra order attributes
oskorder SKU
pcBoolean answering “is this a page view?”
pdColor depth
pflgproduct or page element? (product = 1, page = 0)
piPage ID (page name)
pmproduct name
prproduct number
pr_a1…pr_a50extra Product View tag attributes for Explore
pv_a1…pv_a50extra Page View tag attributes for Explore
rfreferring URL
rg1…rg50extra Registration Tag attributes for Explore
rndRandom # (used for cache-busting)
rsnot sure
s_a1…s_a50extra Shop Tag attributes for Explore
sabilling state
sesearch start page
shScreen height
sr# of search results
stSession start time
swScreen width
sx11extra custom shop fields
tinot sure
tidTag ID/type:
tid 1 = page view tag
tid 2 = registration tag
tid 3 = order info tag
tid 4 = shop tag (+action 5 =shopping cart tag, +action 9 = order receipt tag)
tid 5 = product view tag
tid 6 = technical properties tag
tid 7 = custom details tag
tid 8 = link click tag (for real estate/ site promotions click tracking)
tid 9 = link impressions tag (for cm_sp impression tagging)
tid 10 = form action tag (auto-generated for forms)
tid 14 = conversion event tag
tid 15 = element tag
tid 404 = error tag
trtotal revenue
tzTime zone
ulDestination URL. The URL of the page.
vn1Coremetrics library version
vn2Coremetrics library version #2
zpnot sure

17 thoughts on “Master List of Coremetrics Query Strings”

  1. Great, this information is very helpful, I have one of the Not sure answers (lp:landing page) is usually the first page of each session.

    Thanks again Ana for sharing this

    • Hi Marcelo, you can check the "ul" parameter and the "rf" parameter. On the landing page, the "ul" parameter may hold a value like, in which case Coremetrics takes that cm_mmc value and uses it to define the traffic source.

      For visits coming in from direct, organic search, etc, there won't be a cm_mmc value. so in those cases Coremetrics will check the "rf" (referring site) paramater to see where the visit came from. Either way it all gets processed on Coremetrics' servers so there's no straightforward way to check how it's going to show up in the reports.

  2. I know this is a REALLY old thread, but I still use it and appreciate it. I just found out that "ha1" is related to the Shop tags (5/9). it is used to determine if the tag is unique or not. If all attributes of the tag are the same, the "ha1" makes the determination that it is a duplicate cart item and does not add it to the data. If anything is different (like size, color, etc) in the tag, it uses this field to determine it may be a 2nd instance of the same item, but there is something different about it and records both Shop tags.

    Also, just noticed, your explanation of "ul" with marketing tags, you are short 1 parameter. "" should be "" without the last parameter, the marketing tag will fail. There is also an old version of the marketing tag where you fire each part separately: "cm_ven=xxx&cm_cat=xxx&cm_pla=xxx&cm_ite=xxx" in this instance, if afield is left off (particularly cm_pla) the interface will replace the missing field with a "-1"

    • Hi John, thank you for the comment! I haven't used this tool in years, so I'm happily surprised to hear the article is still relevant 😀
      Thanks also for the information about ha1 and cm_mmc.


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